The food you eat every day invariably contributes to your overall health, but most times, you forget that drinks have a greater impact on your body, too. For instance, alcohols, high-preservative beverages, and sugary drinks, all negatively impact your health. But there is a tea or beverage group that is ...
Read moreAre you intrigued by the word wheatgrass, described as nature’s finest superfood? Are you wondering if you should jump onto the green-shot bandwagon? Wheatgrass drink is believed to possess many health benefits, but is all these benefits backed up by hard scientific facts? Proceed on to discover the science behind ...
Read moreEyesight, a person’s ability to see, involves a complex interaction between the external objects in the environment, light, the two eyes, the optic nerves, and the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Visual acuity is the clarity or sharpness of vision. Loss of visual acuity may be caused by ...
Read moreFeeling on the shorter side or wishing you were a tad taller? Believe it or not, regardless of tall you are, you can always add additional inches to your height even after you have stopped growing, or if you are still growing, maximize your growth spurt. Simply put, if you ...
Read moreWinter – the cold season, is usually filled with activities ranging from holidays to family get-togethers, and being sick will certainly make any cheerful moment a dull one. Fortunately, there is one thing to make you feel better and soothe even the most disturbing of winter colds. When you feel ...
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