Clothing matters more than most people realize or are willing to admit. The right clothes for the right occasion are worth purchasing for wearing throughout life. Now there are some must-own outfits that everyone should have in their wardrobe because they are versatile, plus only need to be purchased once. ...
Read moreLooking into looking your best, huh? Is your sense of style…one…hot…mess, or too much of a SQUARE in the clothing department? Well, fret not! Because Mr. Fernando Fashionisto has chartered a private jet all the way from Milan just to give you the perfect out-of-this-world look like you have just ...
Read moreDo you want to become really, really ridiculously good-looking? Well, anybody can! Being really, really ridiculously good-looking doesn’t mean you have to be a model with the perfect bone structure and that your hair looks better done up with gel and mousse than hidden under a stupid hat with a ...
Read moreEwww, what’s that smell? It’s YOU? How embarrassing, right? Body odor stinks, literally. The olfactory does not even welcome its own body’s manufacturing of unpleasant smells, but don’t distress because you’re not the only one. The body naturally emits a smell. You can thank your “sweat gland secretions” (where sweat ...
Read moreWhen your body is giving off odors, it can be a major cause for concern as well as an embarrassing “people repellent” (which is a blessing for all the misanthropists but not for the majority of the population) because society does not universally and socially condone, accept, and tolerate such ...
Read moreWant to own what the celebrities wear? When it comes to celebrity clothing, you should realize that they don’t just go browsing at the mall or everyday retailers. They typically go directly to the source for custom-made outfits, and you can bet that they shell out big bucks for doing ...
Read moreLadies, are you ready for a night out on the town with your girlfriends or that date who has finally picked up his balls to ask you out? Special outfit? Check! Hair done? Check! Makeup? Check! Jewelry? Check! Smell? Ugh…what? Let’s face it girlfriend, you don’t want to leave the ...
Read moreAre you an olfactory offender? Does your scent offend even the slightest movement in the room to get away from you? Regardless of how manly you might think you smell by not showering for weeks after rugging through the forest, if your stench is unacceptable in social norms, be prepared ...
Read moreThe red carpet with all its flashiness and glamour from raving-and-screaming fans wanting autographs and selfies with their favorite stars of the evening. How indeed perplexing? While that may be so, this obsession with pop culture and celebrity life is undeniable in modern era. Some would consider that obsession as ...
Read moreRight now, millions of products are being marketed as the fountain of youth. The secret to these products is simple, they are stimulating the skin cells to produce collagen. Collagen is the most important element in the skin, as it helps regenerate cells and create elasticity. Elasticity gives you skin ...
Read moreThe rise of shave clubs has been getting a lot of attention. Millions of advertising dollars have been spent on commercials and product placements. The biggest of these clubs is that of Dollar Shave Club. They promote the idea that you can get razors for as little as $1, without ...
Read moreLooking slim, even when you’re not in shape does seem like a tough challenge to work through. Many try but give up in favor of comfort over style, in fact, you may even be one of those folks in the past. But here’s the secret, style and looking slim can ...
Read moreAs far as men’s hairstyles are concerned, the latest trend is the man bun. The man bun nation is spreading, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. The man bun is not the same as a women’s bun. Don’t mix the two up! The term discusses the placement of the ...
Read moreWhen you see models in magazines, on screen, and through various media, they always look like “goddesses” with unparallel beauty that very few of us can attain. But not so fast! The reason why many models appear amazing is because they all have professional stylists, but most importantly, makeup artists. ...
Read moreGrowing hair faster can seem like a complicated task. Millions of men and women try to hack this “hair growth” notion. In reality, hair growth relies on two things: genetics and grooming. Those two elements work together to facilitate growth properly. Now, if you want to ensure that you are ...
Read moreBeing physically attractive is not as difficult as many believe it to be. Yes, some people are gifted with stellar looks, and others may not feel that they are in the same category. Whatever the case may be, you can make yourself physically attractive beyond your current look. There are ...
Read moreStaying up-to-date on the latest fashion trend takes effort, and honestly – money. You are going to run into a lot of monetary issues if you are constantly trying to emulate all the styles that you see on model runways and in high-end fashion magazines that represent the cusp of ...
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