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Search Results for: Tai

  • Stop Body Odor Naturally by Wearing Certain Clothing Materials

    When your body is giving off odors, it can be a major cause for concern as well as an embarrassing “people repellent” (which is a blessing for all the misanthropists but not for the majority of the population) because society does not universally and socially condone, accept, and tolerate such menacing smells. Now you’re probably saying, “Well, that’s what deodorants are invented for?” True, but did you also know that what you wear in terms of fabrics and materials can...

  • How to Get Free WiFi Internet

    You may be surprised to hear that…you can get access to Wi-Fi internet connection at home free of charge. Yep, you heard right! However, getting free Wi-Fi at home depends on some factors: The location of your home. The amount of energy you are willing to invest in your quest to getting free Wi-Fi. The networks around your home. This guide is meant to provide you with the practical routes to legally and legitimately access Wi-Fi at home without paying...

  • Your Guide to the Best Smart Drugs: Artificial and Natural

    (Disclaimer: The information here is clearly intended for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, which you should always consult with your primary physician about. We are not responsible for how you intend to use this information.) Our contemporary world keeps presenting us with array of choices about everything. You want a car that doesn’t pollute? Solar panels. You want meat that doesn’t come from animals that suffer? SuperMeat has it. You want to communicate with beloved people...

  • The Super Health-Promoting Elixir that You Can Make at Home

    The food you eat every day invariably contributes to your overall health, but most times, you forget that drinks have a greater impact on your body, too. For instance, alcohols, high-preservative beverages, and sugary drinks, all negatively impact your health. But there is a tea or beverage group that is profoundly nutritious and healthy, which some consider being a real-life elixir. What is an elixir by the way? Unlike in the movies or video games that often time portray elixirs...

  • How to Find My Lost Phone?

    Nowadays, it can be safe to assume that most of our lives revolve around our “phones.” It’s funny how such small device contains such large quantity of our personal and vital information, and not to mention our daily dependency – or, hopefully, the lack thereof. Regardless if you’re a phoneaholic, distractions and thievery are all too common causes of losing possession of your precious phone. In other words, maybe you’ve lost your phone when you were in the middle of...

  • How to Find Lost Keys, Wallet or Purse Using Device Locator

    Have you ever lost any of your valuables – keys, wallets, phones, handbags, credit cards, debit cards, money, to mention but a few? What was your experience like? Did you feel a sense of panic or were you nervous? Are you like most guys who keep 50% of their lives in their wallet…or ladies, in your purse? Without a doubt, it can be devastating if your possessions should ever fall into the wrong hands. When any of these incidents happen,...

  • Achieve Peak Performance through Dynamic Dissociation

    What do Navy SEALs, marathon runners, and women during childbirth all have in common? No, it’s not a masochistic addiction to enduring pain. It is, however, the method by which they cope with pain, and the techniques they employ to push, if you will, through the pain to achieve more with their bodies than they thought possible. Built for Survival Human beings routinely underestimate what their bodies are capable of accomplishing. We forget that our bodies are built for survival....

  • What is Brainwave Entrainment — A Tool to Increase Your IQ

    People often engage in meditation as a means to improving emotional state, self-awareness, and dream incubation. However, there are many other reasons why one should engage in the practice of meditation. Research has shown that regular meditation can contribute to a great deal of life benefits: Improved well-being Better health immunity Reduction in stress level Higher concentration Enhanced creativity and memory But did you know that there is a type of meditation that is specially intended to sharpen mental acuity...

  • Memorization Techniques to Improve Short-Term Memory

    Are you the type of person who forgets your keys, appointments, people’s name, or materials needed to learn for work or school? If you’re categorized as a human being, you certainly must have. Every day we encounter these short-term memory issues of forgetfulness – and wish we could simply remember everything. You may even tell yourself that it is not possible and that you will always be forgetting things. However, you should beg to differ. Why? Because there are three...

  • How to Find Cheap Apartments in a Week or Less

    Searching for the right apartment can be…no, actually…it IS quite the daunting task, not to mention if you have to do so in less than a week…yes…ONE WEEK. Oh the humanity! Okay, either you have just relocated to a brand new city, you simply want to get away from your not-so-good-terms roomies, your slumlord is unexpectedly not renewing your contract to start “gentrified development” for another hipster coffee shop or Chase Bank, mom and pop have finally forced you out...