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Search Results for: cold

  • A Quick Home Remedy for a Cold

    Winter – the cold season, is usually filled with activities ranging from holidays to family get-togethers, and being sick will certainly make any cheerful moment a dull one. Fortunately, there is one thing to make you feel better and soothe even the most disturbing of winter colds. When you feel that cold is coming, “lemon ginger tea” is the homemade remedy you need. How to Make Lemon Ginger Tea for Cold This soothing tea will help you to kick that...

  • Achieve Peak Performance through Dynamic Dissociation

    What do Navy SEALs, marathon runners, and women during childbirth all have in common? No, it’s not a masochistic addiction to enduring pain. It is, however, the method by which they cope with pain, and the techniques they employ to push, if you will, through the pain to achieve more with their bodies than they thought possible. Built for Survival Human beings routinely underestimate what their bodies are capable of accomplishing. We forget that our bodies are built for survival....

  • Real-Life Superhuman Powers PART 2: The Supernatural

    Scientific investigations have shown that the human mind is capable of remarkable intelligence and mental abilities, and researchers are beginning to find evidence showing some people have the capacity go beyond the normal realm into the supernatural. (If you missed out on PART 1 of “Real-Life Superhuman Powers: The Natural,” you can find it here.) Medical doctors at the Maudsley Hospital in London have found evidence that there is correlation between a person having blackouts and later on displaying enhanced...

  • Real-Life Superhuman Powers PART 1: The Natural

    Are you ready to acquire superhuman powers? Our world has come to accept the incredible stories of folks exhibiting extraordinary abilities, some even to the point that is considered supernatural. Have you ever wondered how the Tibetan monks are able to regular their body temperature to stay warm and survive sitting for days in the cold without needing proper clothing or food? Have you ever witnessed real-life superhuman powers displayed by great spiritual leaders, psychic practitioners, meditation masters, as well...

  • 5 Best Women Perfumes for Different Occasions

    Ladies, are you ready for a night out on the town with your girlfriends or that date who has finally picked up his balls to ask you out? Special outfit? Check! Hair done? Check! Makeup? Check! Jewelry? Check! Smell? Ugh…what? Let’s face it girlfriend, you don’t want to leave the house looking all dolled up but still carrying on the smell of which you have just got off a treadmill and applied deodorant on in a lackadaisical attempt to olfactorily...

  • Health Benefits of Wheatgrass — How to Grow and Make Wheatgrass Juice

    Are you intrigued by the word wheatgrass, described as nature’s finest superfood? Are you wondering if you should jump onto the green-shot bandwagon? Wheatgrass drink is believed to possess many health benefits, but is all these benefits backed up by hard scientific facts? Proceed on to discover the science behind wheatgrass, and then make a firm decision for yourself if you should take up wheatgrass as a part of your life. About Wheatgrass The origins of wheatgrass can be traced...

  • Extrasensory Perception Training — How to Develop ESP

    Clark Kent is walking down a busy street in Metropolis when he pauses and begins listening intently. He sifts through all the noise of the bustling city…until the voice of a man in distress comes into focus. You know the next part – he changes clothes at super-speed and dashes off to the rescue. We may not have the super-hearing that comes from being an alien from a planet with a red sun, but we all have this ability and...

  • Instant Friendship: How to Make Friends Instantly!

    The Instant-Series Presents “Instant Friendship” How to Make Friends Instantly! It’s the weekend…finally! You’ve made it! You’ve been working long and hard all week, and now you’re ready to unwind. Just as you’re about to enjoy yourself, that feeling of accomplishment turns into disappointment almost immediately as you get depressed. Why is that? It’s because you have no friends! You have no friends to call up on. You have no friends to go out with or want to hang out...

  • What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming and How Does It Work to Make You Succeed in Whatever You Do

    Think about this scenario… Has there been any time in your life where you decided to quit a negative lifestyle – maybe a bad behavior – and embark on living a healthier positive one…only to find out you have repeated that same old behavior unconsciously? Repeating an old behavior, have you ever wondered why? Negative behaviors and bad feelings seem to be stronger than the logical reasoning from your conscious mind. So when behaviors are generated and stored in your...