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Search Results for: making a bed

  • Your Guide to the Best Smart Drugs: Artificial and Natural

    (Disclaimer: The information here is clearly intended for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, which you should always consult with your primary physician about. We are not responsible for how you intend to use this information.) Our contemporary world keeps presenting us with array of choices about everything. You want a car that doesn’t pollute? Solar panels. You want meat that doesn’t come from animals that suffer? SuperMeat has it. You want to communicate with beloved people...

  • The Super Health-Promoting Elixir that You Can Make at Home

    The food you eat every day invariably contributes to your overall health, but most times, you forget that drinks have a greater impact on your body, too. For instance, alcohols, high-preservative beverages, and sugary drinks, all negatively impact your health. But there is a tea or beverage group that is profoundly nutritious and healthy, which some consider being a real-life elixir. What is an elixir by the way? Unlike in the movies or video games that often time portray elixirs...

  • Real-Life Superhuman Powers PART 2: The Supernatural

    Scientific investigations have shown that the human mind is capable of remarkable intelligence and mental abilities, and researchers are beginning to find evidence showing some people have the capacity go beyond the normal realm into the supernatural. (If you missed out on PART 1 of “Real-Life Superhuman Powers: The Natural,” you can find it here.) Medical doctors at the Maudsley Hospital in London have found evidence that there is correlation between a person having blackouts and later on displaying enhanced...

  • Stranded on an Island? Here’s How to Survive and Get Rescued

    Imagine being in a catastrophic accident in the midst of nowhere: a plane crash in a lonely yet unknown destination devoid of human habitation or a stormy gale hits the ship you are cruising on, and the end result…you get stuck on a deserted island with nothing except your unassuming knowledge, will, and strength to survive. In such situation, you may be alone or even with other survivors far away from home, hotel, shelter, food, water, and most importantly safety....

  • 5 Best Men Colognes for Different Occasions

    Are you an olfactory offender? Does your scent offend even the slightest movement in the room to get away from you? Regardless of how manly you might think you smell by not showering for weeks after rugging through the forest, if your stench is unacceptable in social norms, be prepared to be isolated, rejected, or be asked to leave pronto. Let’s face it, would you want to be locked in a room with some smelly bum who looks like he...

  • Privacy Policy

    We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm and continuing commitment to the privacy of personal information provided by those visiting and interacting with this web site. We hold the privacy of your personal information in the highest regard. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website. We recognize the importance of protecting your privacy and our policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use and safeguard the...

  • How to Tell When Someone is Lying

    Where there are humans, there is lying. Lies are abundant in society, occurring in workplaces, schools, within families, and in relationships. They range from the harmless white lie (that you often don’t even know you are doing) to the blatant manipulative lie meant for personal gain. Lying is a common problem, not just with suspects in heinous crimes but also with people whom you trust and hold dearest. Everyone must be a lie detective. It is regrettable but unavoidable to...

  • Saving Money in College

    A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Hit the million by keeping it. So you think the secret to becoming a millionaire is to pursue an MBA for the highest-paid job on Wall Street? Well, sorry to say…you got it all wrong. Dead wrong. You might as well be given a million bucks today, but that still doesn’t qualify you as a millionaire. What makes those folks part of the top 1% enjoying their lavish lifestyle is the attitude. The...

  • What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming and How Does It Work to Make You Succeed in Whatever You Do

    Think about this scenario… Has there been any time in your life where you decided to quit a negative lifestyle – maybe a bad behavior – and embark on living a healthier positive one…only to find out you have repeated that same old behavior unconsciously? Repeating an old behavior, have you ever wondered why? Negative behaviors and bad feelings seem to be stronger than the logical reasoning from your conscious mind. So when behaviors are generated and stored in your...

  • Instant Energy: How to Get More Energy Instantly!

    The Instant-Series Presents “Instant Energy” How to Get More Energy Instantly! Are you feeling tired all the time? Do you find that you do not have enough energy to make it through your days, not to mention when was the last time you had a good night sleep? We are all busy, trying to get by in life and make a living to provide and support ourselves and families, so we have to be able to keep our energy and...