by Staff | September 20, 2016
Tech ComputersEvery new computer sold is perfectly solid, working smoothly as it’s intended to without any complication. However, because the internet is so essential for running many programs and working with a variety of different elements, threats can appear.
Viruses, malware, adware, and so much more can infect a computer, and completely cripple it.
If you’re not careful, you may be targeted with some of the common dangerous computer threats around.
Types of Computer Threats
– Denial of Service Attacks
This infects computers new and old, and it’s known as a denial of service attack. Hackers target IP addresses and will turn your computer into a zombie.
Within the background of your computer, it will funnel traffic, page redirects, and slowly infect your browser to do its bidding. It will also relay any personal information you have on your computer to nefarious individuals.
DOS attacks, as they are commonly known, hit businesses a great deal, and often the hackers blackmail companies to release the stranglehold.
– Phishing For Information
The most common, and yet very dangerous issue online is that of phishing. This is where a simple attack pulls all of your personal information, including credit cards, social security, PayPal login, and a whole lot of other stuff.
These attacks can be done through email, under the radar. They mirror emails coming from your bank, your computer’s company, and some large-scale ecommerce websites, such as
Look at the URL, and if it doesn’t make sense, NEVER click on the link in the email! Hit SPAM!
This is not actually coming from Amazon because the actual domain is really with a fake sub-domain extension at beginning to appear legitimate.
Fake websites, fake email addresses, chat rooms, and adult websites may have this scam in their forms, so be careful.
– Keystroke Logging Hacks
Keystroke loggers are programs that literally take whatever you type and put it into a file. Hackers use this to get access to credit card information, social security cards, and much more.
Software that records every keystroke is installed through a computer virus known as a Trojan horse.
Often found with a download, or even cache you agree to, this small line of code tells the operating system to log every key you type, and then sends files to a hacker. They then strip the information of just what they need, and use it with ease.
– Zombie Bots (Botnet)
Much like the denial of service (DOS) issue, Botnet attacks usually have a series of scripting that hits your computer, and waits for you to be online.
Once you connect, the code strikes, using backend server coding to deliver ads online, redirect people to forms, and so on.
Botnets steal information fast, and slow down your computer’s internet browser and startup, eventually taking over.
Get Your Antivirus Up
To protect your computer from these threats, it’s imperative that you use a good antivirus and run scans often.
The minute you put your guard down, hackers will target your IP address and computer, and you could be a victim of these and other dangerous elements online.
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